Family and organisational constellations

Feedback form

We are on a continuous learning path and would love your feedback after any events. Please give your name, check the box for each event you attended, and answer all questions that apply to those event(s).

1. Please check the events you attended:

2. Please rate the overall experience:

3. Please rate the location:

4. Please rate the room:

5. What constellation experience did you have prior to the event(s) you attended?

6. How was your overall experience of the events attended and what were the most significant takeaways?

7. What did you enjoy most or find most worthwhile?

8. What have you noticed is different or has changed in you?

9. If you attended the training event, what was your key learning, or insights as a constellations facilitator?

10. For the events attended, what improvements would you suggest?

11. Would you be interested in learning more about family or organisational constellations?

12. Would you attend a constellation workshop in London?

13. Would you attend a constellation webinar?

14. Would you be interested in further coaching or support (systemic, life or executive coaching, or hypnotherapy) related to your issue and/or constellation you may have had during the workshop?

15. Would you be interested in participating in any future London-based informal opportunities to meet up, learn more, practice constellations or share experiences?

16. Please write a few sentences about your experience so that we may use it as a testimonial

17. Please use my testimonial: