Workshop themes
30 Sep to 1 Oct 2023
This London workshop is a unique opportunity to learn experientially about constellations and participate in constellations.
Wordless constellations
The latest developments and applications.
Within families, between partners, between parents and children, and in the workplace.
The root causes of physical, emotional and mental health issues.
How to manage and find resolution to stress, imbalance and burn-out.
Work & career
How to overcome obstacles and be more successful at work and in your professional life.
What is missing and needed in your organisation to be more effective and successful? For example, issues around profitability or sustainability; products, markets and customers; staffing and morale; conflict resolution.
What promotes good leadership and good flow in organisations and businesses?
Practical tools
How coaches, therapists, consultants and advisors, and those in related professions, can use constellations for the benefit of their clients.
Training & experience
An opportunity to learn experientially during the workshop and also participate in a Certificated International Training offered by Gerhard Walper.

Certified international training structure and themes
Level 1 in New Family & Organisational Constellations, according to Bert Hellinger, with Gerhard Walper
- New condensed certification training programme
- Four modules (one day training and two-day experiential workshop per module) for English speaking participants
- Dedicated intensive training day (Friday 29 September 2023) followed by two-day experiential workshop
- Variety of client constellations during two-day, follow-on workshop combined with hands-on training and learning
- Each module is self-contained and not required to be done sequentially
MODULE I: 29 SEP to 1 OCT 2023
Love, success and leadership, our relationship to mother and father
- Sources of success and leadership: in our soul, in our work/business
- Healing our relationship to mother and father
- First steps of ‘leadership’ in childhood: from entanglements to talents
- Love and success, serving life, leadership and service
- The movement towards life or death
- In tune with success and failure, gain and loss
- Leadership in constellation work and consulting
- Success and leadership in tune with forces beyond, spirit-minded leadership
MODULE II: Date to be confirmed
Man and wife, the couples relationship, ways of love
MODULE III: Date to be confirmed
Helping children and their parents, individual sessions with constellations (family, organisation and work)
MODULE IV: Date to be confirmed
Love, illness and healing, health in professions and businesses
Dates & prices
Family and organisational constellations workshop
30 September to 1 October 2023
Early bird (expires 20 Sept 2023): £397.
Regular: £447.
One-day attendance: £297.
Prices do not include lunch. Lunch will be approximately 90-120 minutes. Please note all timings are subject to change.
One day certified training — level 1, module 1
29 September 2023
Session: 9.30am–8pm.
Early bird (expires 20 Sept 2023): £594.
Regular: £644.
Friday 29 Sept only: £297.
A unique opportunity to receive advanced constellations training in New Family and Organisational Constellation over three days (one day’s intensive training followed by the two-day experiential weekend workshop) towards a certification International Training Certification — Level I, with Gerhard Walper. Please email us to register your interest or for further details.
Friday 29 September, 2023: intensive dedicated training day followed by experiential training during the full two-day weekend workshop to experience a variety of client constellations and learnings around the Module I theme — Love, Success and Leadership — and our relation to mother and father.
An introduction to family and organisational constellations
30 September 2023.
Session: 5.30pm–7.30pm. Exact timing TBC.
Price: £50 (Free for workshop participants).
The introduction is suitable for individuals, professionals and organisations new to, or experienced in, working with constellations. It will be adapted from previous workshops so that it is more experiential and an open and safe space for newcomers.
Organisational and professional client constellation opportunity for select clients
30 September 2023.
Session: 3.30pm–5.30pm (30/40 mins per client, appointment-based). Exact timings TBC.
Price: available on request.
Given the interest, we may add some additional times on the day or on another of the days if the schedule permits.
A unique opportunity for a select number of organisations and professional clients to have an appointment-based constellation on their profession, business or organisation. Very limited availability.
Please email us to register your interest.
Our venue

Indicative itinerary
Timings are subject to change and will be adapted around each session.
Certified International Training: day one
Registration: 9.15am–9.30am.
Introduction: 9.30am–9.55am.
Session: 10am–8pm, TBC.
Workshop day one and training programme day two
Registration: 9.15am–9.30am.
Introduction: 9.30am–9.55am.
Session: 10am–7.30pm.
Lunch: 120 minutes.
Workshop day two and training programme day three
Introduction/registration: 9.30am–9.55am.
Session: 10am–6.30pm.
Lunch: 90 minutes.
Organisational/professional client constellation opportunity
Time: 3.30pm–5.30pm (30/40 mins per client, appointment-based).
Open introduction (for those new)
Time: between 5.30 and 7.30pm.
- Certified training programme: starts on Friday 29 September and continues throughout the weekend workshop. May partially count towards wider certified training programme offered by Gerhard Walper.
- Introduction session (TBC) will be free for full weekend workshop participants.
- Organisational constellations (TBC): open to two or three select organisations, businesses or professionals to constellate their issue on an appointment basis with separate registration and cost. Attendance is free for workshop participants.
- Given the diverse and unique nature of our community and participants, I may also host a networking and skills-sharing session between participants outside of the constellations sessions to further deepen the community.
Thank you to everyone that attends our constellation events. Some of our participant and organisational client testimonials are below.
“Allowed us to discover dynamics and patterns that are there without us being aware of them...and allowed us to shift the energy tremendously and gain insights that would have never been revealed otherwise.”
“Wonderfully organised and led by Paresh, combined with Gerhard’s inspirational knowledge and facilitation — a great combination! Thank you!”
“The significance of the community, to see and learn from Gerhard and how he deals with every topic, is inspiring.”
“Absolutely wonderful experience, the insights and facilitation; a respectful attitude towards participants…I feel more peaceful…it reached me. Great, intense, deep.”
“It was interesting to see how each constellation unfolded in front of my eyes. It was a highly emotional experience for me as an empath. I recommend it to those who are open-minded and receptive to new methodologies.”
“Unexpected results can come up. The workshop was an amazing opportunity to get an idea of the methodology of helpful it can be for organisations to use this tool to find profound answers to important questions...the group was amazing. My perspective on the past has changed and I now have a different view on some things in my life. I am curious to get more answers. Paresh was an amazing host! I like the calm way Gerhard teaches.”
“Thank you for the beautiful experience we all lived together! Amazing, the energy of the group. Great energy with love and respect towards everyone, no matter their age, cultural background or experience in the constellation field. Great delivery of the workshop, with love and respect to everyone’s matters brought up during and throughout the constellations.”
“Wonderful, clarifying and fulfilling.”
“It was so powerful and strong. You need to live it, and feel it, to believe. I strongly recommend you try this amazing experience.”
“It was very well organised and life changing. Excellent workshop and facilitation.”
“A confirmation that this is the work and path to walk.”
“It was a powerful experience. I felt special energy as soon as I walked into the room.”
“I will pay attention to my behaviours and try to understand where they come from.”
“It was an incredible evening, I really enjoyed the trance in the beginning, the structure, and the demonstrations were especially helpful! The biggest takeaway was the mother’s relationship to success. Incredible experience! It was a powerful session! As a spectator, I feel I healed some aspects of my life. I recommend to anyone who attends the workshops to go with an open mind and heart. It’s a powerful process and phenomenon!”
“Gerhard is an exceptionally skilled facilitator. It was an honour to witness, experience and be part of the constellations facilitated by Gerhard. I feel lighter, more positive about moving forward in relationships, and more connected with abundance since the seminar. One of the constellations I participated in moved me greatly. Just wanted to say a huge thank you to Paresh and Gerhard for such a wonderful weekend. I loved reconnecting with the work and meeting you both. I see our paths crossing again in the future!”
“As a participant, I felt well looked after on both the administrative and personal level. I liked the flow of the day. Paresh — you have a lot of charisma to draw people together. I felt Gerhard’s craftsmanship and attention to detail…very much like seeing Bert. The most remarkable thing for me was the presence and acceptance he brought, which created space for the field to unfold. And this drew us closer to the mystery of love and bonding.”
“I learned about the tool and I am inspired to continue the journey. This workshop was organised on a top level, everything was perfect: the facilitator, the participants, the facility. I am looking forward to the next event!”
Organisational client testimonials
“My key takeaway was that integration and ah-ha moments can happen during other people’s journeys. I received so much clarity from my constellation. And what surprised me was how the other sessions were also healing and eye-opening. They culminated in what felt like a series of fundamental unblocks. It’s creating a momentum toward my desired future and is energising.”
Florence, Entrepreneur & Founder
“While I consider myself open-minded, my first experience at a constellation workshop (as a relative newcomer to the practice) left me both overwhelmed and intrigued by the experiences of other volunteers and participants. This curiosity led me to invest in an organisational constellation session, which proved to be a turning point. It provided the clarity I needed to navigate complexities, overcome self-doubt, and boost my confidence.”
Organisational client participant
“I believe it’s given me more conviction in the direction I want to explore! A fascinating and eye-opening experience that shifted my perspective on not only my context but these types of modality. Impressive!.”
Vishal, Entrepreneur & Founder
“All the organisation constellations were interesting to see, and there was something that I could take away from all of them even if the underlying cause was not directly impacting me. Really interesting. Liked the idea of dealing with things via representatives which was very new to me.”
Organisational client participant, Entrepreneur & Founder
“When participating as myself during my constellation, I felt an undeniable magnetic force and energy, a surreal experience that not only added credibility to the process but also offered me a fresh perspective on how constellations work. Most importantly, it unveiled areas of self-doubt that I am now determined to address and improve upon.”
Organisational client participant
“I entered the room quite open-minded, and the first constellation had me questioning the practice and the validity of the findings. I found myself confused about how it made sense. However, as the event progressed it became clearer and actually experiencing the methodology personally made a huge difference. It allowed me to see not only how my personal circumstances were played out, but more importantly the impact of the insights.”
Organisational client participant
Your hosts

Gerhard Walper
Workshop facilitator
Gerhard is a true master of family constellations, with a diverse and extensive background in educational sciences, psychology, sociology and pedagogy. He is regarded as one of the leading lights in the field, trained by the legendary Bert Hellinger and renowned figures such as Jakob Schneider, Gunthard Weber and Peter Levine.
With a wealth of knowledge and expertise, Gerhard has had a global impact in the field of family constellations. He has organised workshops for Hellinger, taught and supervised constellations in Europe, Brazil and China, and collaborated with universities and organisations in related fields, including systemic law in Brazilian court systems.
Gerhard’s innovative approaches to family constellations have been groundbreaking, particularly in Italy with ‘Constellation Work for Social Focal Points’ and in Brazil with ‘Systemic Law — New Family Constellations in the Field of Justice’. He has taught judges, lawyers, psychologists and sociologists, and continues to inspire and educate others through his training programs, offered in both German and English, and his frequent speaking engagements at international congresses and Hellinger camps in Germany.
In Poland, Gerhard offers his own training programs, including ‘New, Silent Family Constellations according to Bert Hellinger for Beginners’ and ‘Train-the-Trainer: Truth in Motion’ for more experienced practitioners, delving into the philosophy of Bert Hellinger, his ‘Phenomenology’ and the ‘Path into the Night’. Gerhard’s passion for family constellations and his wealth of knowledge make him a sought-after speaker and teacher in the field.
Find out more at Gerhard’s website or watch his interview.

Paresh Kanani
Workshop organiser & host
With over 30 years of experience in international banking, venture capital and private equity, Paresh brings a wealth of expertise to his role as coach, advisor and investor. He holds a diploma in Family Constellations from Hellinger Sciencia after training with the legendary Bert Hellinger, and later, the renowned Gerhard Walper.
Paresh has organised and co-hosted London workshops and online webinars on family and organisational constellations, facilitated by Gerhard, further demonstrating his commitment to human development. His diverse skillset includes being a certified Newfield ontological coach, ICF certified, a health & wellness coach, and a certified hypnotherapist. His passion for helping others reach their full potential is evident in his work as a coach, advisor and investor.
In addition to professional pursuits, Paresh is dedicated to making a positive impact and constantly inspired by the transformative power of human potential. This is demonstrated by his involvement in sponsored physical challenges and leading yoga and meditation groups. His belief that by using family and organisational constellations, combined with human development tools, helps individuals and organisations address complex issues and create positive change.
For Paresh, this kind of work is a labour of love and is driven by his passion for empowering others to make a difference in the world.
Contact Paresh directly by email.
Workshop etiquette
- Please arrive at least 15 minutes before a workshop begins so that you can register.
- Tea, coffee, water and some snacks will be provided throughout the day.
- Lunch is not included. There are many options locally and a three-course lunch option is available at the venue with prior notice.
- All timings are subject to change.
- Mobile phones must be switched off, or in silent mode, during the workshop.
- Attendee constellation requests will be taken during each session based upon the theme being covered. Best efforts will be made to accommodate all requests but will be at the discretion of the facilitator and subject to time availability. We invite attendees to be mindful of ‘expectations’ and that sometimes constellations do not happen because it is not the ‘right time’.
- If for any reason you have to leave a meeting early, please do so quietly and discreetly.
- Please respect the facilitator and other participants. If you feel that you need extra help or support, please reach out to Gerhard or Paresh.
- Follow-up systemic coaching is available. Please contact Paresh Kanani.
- Every participant must complete a registration form and agree to the terms and conditions of participation before a workshop.
Contact us
In the first instance, please email your host Paresh Kanani.